15th North American Catalysis Society Meeting
Describes the technical and social programs, exhibition space, local hotel information, and organizing committee contact information for the conference which is to be held on May 18-23, 1997.
Provides information on chemical weapons and issues relating to toxic chemicals and chemical protection and disarmament. The site describes conventions, membership information, and provides related links.
Division of Chemicals and Polymers serves Australia in the chemical, polymer and water treatment industries.
The European Science Foundation organizes around 50 conferences a year with neither written contributions nor proceedings, and unconventional ideas and new approaches, not yet fully explored, are encouraged. The site offers a searchable list of each year's conferences and their participants.
Describes proceedings and event schedules for American Chemical Society national, regional and other ACS-Sponsored Meetings.
Information about the Catholic University of Leuvens Laboratory of Macromolecular Structural Chemistry, single crystal crystallography, and polymer science. The page also links to lab members and PDB files of DNA structures determined at the lab located in Leuven, Brabant, Belgium.
Describes the annual meeting of the Division of Mass Spectrometry of the Italian Chemical Society on July 1-5, 1996 which covers all aspects of mass spectrometry, including the scientific and social programs, registrations, hotel and rental information, and more.
This server focuses on topics of interest to SAS members and spectroscopists: membership and Society information, titles and abstracts for papers in Applied Spectroscopy, and related meetings/events.