Animals    animales



horses  caballos

Caballos Elgalope  - Rutas, ferias de caballos, yeguadas y razas de caballos.

Caballos Albinos - yeguada de caballos albinos en Madrid a un precio extraordinario




Cats  gatos,

Big Cats Cats, Cats and More Cats, Feline, CAT Commercial

One of the most extensive collection of links to pet cats, big cats, commercial and other. Index - NetVet - Cat


Physical description of RFCI Ragdoll cats, their characteristics and temperament, care and training, a brief medical history and other related facts.









Dogs perros - CyberPet -CyberPet's mission: To explore strange new Cyber-Worlds....To seek out new Cyber-Life and Information....To boldly go where no pet fancier has gone before....If you are looking for information on Dogs, Cats, Breeders, Rescue, Breed Clubs, Pet Products, Cyber-Pet is dedicated to providing important & useful information to both the Pet Lay-Person as well as the more Experienced Pet Fancier, all in a unique & fun manner. - Dog Breeders Network, Welcome to a unique network of Dog Breeders from Around The World. Foster Homes and Rescued Puppy Mill dogs featured.













Fish peces


AquaLink is a free WWW service dedicated to the aquaria hobbyist. Features include interactive chat rooms, tropical fish catalogs, aquatic plants catalog, Internet mailing lists, a well-staffed Help Service, aquaria files and clip art archives, and a BBS.

Aquarium & Fish Stuff@The Link Farm

Get your aquarium and fish stuff at The Link Farm. One of the most well-linked web sites of all!

Aquariums and Tropical Fish

These web pages contain information about tropical fish aquariums, including archived Usenet postings and new articles written specifically for the web.

Atlanta Area Aquarium Association

The Atlanta Area Aquarium Association is a non-profit organization of local aquarists, fish breeders, and dealers. It was founded for the purpose of breeding and displaying all aquatic life and dispersing aquaria knowledge and literature. All persons are welcome and invited to attend.

Bruce Hallman's aquarium archive

Aquariums! A private collection of hypertext links to aquaria related resources available on the Internet.


The Cichlid Home Page is a database for cichlids, a popular freshwater fish amongst aquarium hobbyist. All entries contain information on appearance, origin, care and the proper environment for each kind of cichlid.

Cichlid Research

A Web site dedicated to scientific information about the fish family Cichlidae. Featuring extensive information about cichlids, plus an ever-growing gallery of cichlid photos, mostly neotropical.

FAQ - Aquaria

The Aquaria FAQs are continually evolving document for fish enthusiasts - amateur through professional.

FAQ - Fish

Fish, fish, and mo' fish! A Bouillabaisse Of Fascinating Facts About Fish. Everything you need to know from all kinds of fish to their histories.

A fine kettle of fish

A fine kettle of fish. Ichthyology, the way you like it.

FINS Index

Fish Information Service (FINS) Index maintains an archive of information about aquariums. It covers both freshwater and marine, tropical and temperate.

Fish of Lake Michigan

We will take you underwater for a look at what swims in Lake Michigan.

Fish of Lake Superior

Fishing fans, come see what Lake Superior has to offer.

Floater PiranhaCam

Through the magic of photography, the ever popular PiranhaCam page chronicles the life of a school of piranha in their tank. Other exotic wildlife pictures are included.

Florida Aquarium

Welcome to the official web site of the Florida Aquarium, presented by the St. Petersburg Interactive Media Department. Enjoy your virtual visit to this Tampa Bay attraction.

Great White Shark

Without further ado, off to the deep to come face to face with the most efficient predator Nature has ever created! The Great White Shark!

Index - Fish - WWW Virtual Library

3-D fishies: The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Fish. Information is categorized by subject.

Index - NetVet - Fish

NetVet - Fish Home Page. From academic to sporting to dining, you'll find it here. Recreational fishing and fish politics.

Mike's Fish Tank

Everything you always either wanted or didn't want to know about catching fish, releasing or eating fish, and keeping fish in tanks. If you don't go for any of that, you can always protect fish rights. This also is a place to keep up on fish issues and regulation, read fish FAQs, view fish .GIF and .JPEGs, learn about Fish Head music and check out fishellaneous other stuff, not necessarily in that order.

Safari touch tank

Have a virtual swim in The Safari Touch Tank. Click on an image - See that scene!

Salmon Page

Dedicated to all things salmon: How to catch them, cook them, buy them and save them....Far too many salmon resources to list here. Bait and browse!

Shark Images from Douglas J. Long, UCMP

The real Jaws'. History of sharks and spectacular photos of them up front. View still shots from videotape.

Some Things Fishy

Here you'll find information about outdoor goldfish ponds and other Fishy Links.

Something's Fishy - Jim Hurley

Fish galore!!! Here's some general information about aquarium. Plus more fishy addresses than you can hook onto.

Turbo Under Gravel Filtration

Explore the controversy over under gravel filtration (UGF). This method addresses all the known problems associated with traditional UGF. It is sincerely hoped that other hobbyists will benefit from this system.

West coast salmon information

West Coast salmon swim the web. A collection of salmon related information available via the Internet. Links to other sites with data on west coast salmon life histories, hydropower models, and fisheries data.



Agricomm is a network of Web sites, BBSs and voicemail servers linking the agricultural community. The Thoroughbred Page is an example of Agricomm's expertise in Web-page/site design and development, one of the services it offers clients; the site also demonstrates the emphasis this firm (true to its home state) places on horses and equine information.

Arabian Horse Breeders Marketing Network

TeleMark site contains information about Arabian Horse Breeders Marketing Network, sponsored by the Northwest Arabian Breeders Connection, a Washington State non-profit corporation, which helps small breeders to use technology to market their farms, services and horses.


Cows! Cows! Greetings! I love cows, and here you will find all of the files that I have found!

Cows Caught in the Web

When a cow laughs, does milk come out her nose? Everything about cows, and then some MOOOOO! Here it is, the first Web cow page! Opt for cow pages portraits of bovines, cow trivia, David A. Bader's Complete Guide to Cows, the cow price guide cows from around the world, cow sounds and bovinus arbitrary.

Horse Country

Kri Carroll and Ann Zinn introduce Horse Country through the use of original photos, fiction, art and illustrations. This site includes a 60 million year timeline of horse chromosomes, images and text about barns, tack, schooling, clothing and horses all related to English-style riding. There also is resource information on associations, equestrian safety programs, books and journals.

Horsemen's Yankee Pedlar

Horsemen's Yankee Pedlar, a regional monthly equine publication, covers all aspects of the horse world.

Horses Monthly

Horses Monthly, a publication featuring people and events of interest to horse lovers, includes stories, show results and practical advice for horse owners.

The International Museum of the Horse

A repository of equine information and equestrian lore.


In this home page for Kris, there is a picture of a cow and reference to some other cows on the WWW: The comprehensive Cows Caught in the Web.

The Moo-Cow Cafeteria

The MOO-COW Cafeteria. These images and sound files are simply bovine. MooCow pattern wallpaper for Windows, the Aerosmith Cow udder and lots more. Guaranteed not to be a bum steer.

NetVet - Cow Page

NetVet - Cow Home Page Electronic Zoo/NetVet. The web site for cows and cow commerce. Links to cows in academia everywhere.

United Breeders Inc.

United Breeders Inc., is one of Canada's foremost livestock artificial insemination service organizations. The organization is dedicated to helping members achieve maximum productivity through superior genetics. Information on artificial insemination and embryo transfer technologies is available.



Agricomm is a network of Web sites, BBSs and voicemail servers linking the agricultural community.

AlpacaNet (NCSA)

Alpaca ranchers, breeders, investors and others who are interested in the animals of the Andes.

Animal Information Data Base

Do you need quick information or fun facts about a terrestrial or aquatic animal? Visit Animal Bytes. Take the Sea World Animal tour.

Castalia Llamas

Castalia Llamas - Myth Meets Magic! I have llamas for sale year-round and also provide breeding services to two fine studs (to approved females). Llama photos on other pages!

Crocker's Ostrich Page

Welcome to Crocker's World Wide Ostrich Home Page. This web site will take you throughout the world in search of information on the Ostrich. Our goal is to bring you the most up to date information in the industry.

Electronic Zoo

Originally, this was a text file describing animal-related computer resources on the Internet and beyond. Now expanded to include pointers to major Internet resources in veterinary medicine, agriculture, biology, environment and ecology, and medicine, as well as animal-related WWW and gopher sites, FTP archives, Telnet sites, and electronic publications.

FAQ - rec.pets

USENET Animal FAQs: Birds, cats, dogs, ferrets, hedgehogs and more!

House of Slime

This is the House of Slime. Why slime? Why Not? Slime is what has been missing from the clean, dry, electrical world of computers.

Internet Vet Column archives

This is the archives for the veterinarian column where our veterinarian answers questions sent to him regarding certain topics and diseases. Selected questions and answers are chosen where he discusses the causes, diagnosis, and treatment.

Leadbeater's Possum

The Leadbeater's Possum Page. Welcome to our WWW page on this endangered, endearing, controversial and very attractive little animal.


LlamaWeb is intended to provide information about llamas for people interested in these South American camelids. This information includes information on llama farms, so that you can contact different individuals who own llamas. There is a veterinary information resource area as well.

Mr. Puddy

This site belongs to Mr. Puddy, a Persian cat that stars in the photo gallery collection by Mukta Augustus of Ann Arbor.

Perfect Paws

If your pet has an attitude check out this web sight.

Pet Direct

Professional quality and discount prices direct from the licensed veterinarian owner to the customer.

Pet Groomers

Pet Groomers Pages welcome you to our little corner of the world! Groomers these pages are for you! Info about Grooming CHAT on the World Wide Web, Seleena's "Groomer Funnies," info about grooming schools, and comments from our visitors. We welcome the ideas, articles or links that you'd like to see included here.

Pet Supplies On-Line

If you want healthy supplies for your pets this ones for you.


Pet ownership is a very important part of the Australian lifestyle. 66% of Australian families currently own a pet. These pages will help all those with an interest in pets locate information relating to pets in our society. Our pages are divided into sections to provide information for the pet lover as well as for those interested in our resources or research.

Pets Pages Index

Want to put your pets' picture on the web with Pet Pages? Find out what's new with pet images, pet links, pet remarks and read the what's new recent additions to Pet Pages. See our choice of hot list items, other pet places of interest, pet remarks and your comments.

Pets'N Stuff'n/stuff.html

Everything you want for your pets and fish.


Check out these spectacular pet services and supplies choices.

Sherlock Bones

If you need a pet detective check out this web.

Somali Breed Rescue

Somali Rescue provides a haven for unwanted somali cats and attempts to place them in responsible homes. The page also links to other feline rescue groups, a directory of canine rescue groups and dog and cat FAQ sites.

Talking Pets, Inc.

This webs for your problem pet check it out.

Tigers Catalog

Check out these green earth products for your pet.

Unique Concepts, Inc.

Get some special treats for your pet right here!

United Breeders Inc.

Canada's foremost livestock artificial insemination service organizations. The organization is dedicated to help members achieve maximum productivity through superior genetics. Current information on artificial insemination and embryo transfer technologies is also available.

Urban Naturalist in Ottawa

Wildlife sanctuaries in and around the city. It includes Where the Birds Sing and where to feed Ducks in the Winter.

Virtual Pet Cemetery

All of us, at some time, have had a pet we loved and lost. This home page is dedicated to all those given a burial in the backyard or flushed down the toilet. If you wish to immortalize your beloved pet in the tombs of cyber-space for eternity, you are invited to e-mail your epitaph.

Wolf Haven International

Wolf Haven International and its dedicated conservation efforts. It includes information about wolves and adoption services as well as photos and sound.


FAQ - alt.pets.rabbits

Companion-Rabbit FAQ Source. Important topics in the field of domestic rabbit care are available online. Lots of good advice, discussion and web links can be found here.

Newton, the incredible cranky bunny!

Newton is a house bunny with connections. Read about Newton and follow his lead to The House Rabbit Society home page.

Paulson's Rabbit World

Paulson's Rabbit World lets you know about domestic life with a rabbit. The Do's and Don'ts of rabbit care are discussed.


Petbunny is an open, unmoderated forum for people interested in rabbits as pets. Typical items of discussion include diet, behavior, medical problems, and general rabbit care.

Robin's Story

The story of Robin the Bunny is available worldwide online. Read the latest developments here.


RUN AWAY! Killer Rabbits! Insights into the rabbit psyche, such as, "Never approach without parsley." are discussed here. Other quaint rabbit tales are also spun.


All About Axolotls: Table of Contents

This site is all about Axolotls, one of Nature's strangest, most fascinating creatures.


All About Axolotls! The Axolotl is one of Nature's strangest, most fascinating creatures. Looks like a salamander but see for yourself. These creatures will wow ya!

The Big Squeeze

Enter The Big Squeeze to learn about big snakes. Hissss, hisss. Boas, cobras, and other cool slivering snakes. Links to the snakeweb kingdom.

Desert Serpents Reptiles

A source of information for reptile breeders. Contains links to other reptile pages. Includes reptile care sheets, club information and price lists.

Greg's Snake Information Page

These pages are designed to provide a brief summary of the snake species that inhabit North America and to give beginning herpetologists a quick guide to the commonly kept, easier snake species.

Herp Pictures

"Newts, salamanders, and frogs, oh yeah...." Fabulous pictures of all that and snakes too. Plus links to the Herpetocultural Home Page.

Herpetocultural Page

Snakes are sooo gooood. A popular site for serpent lovers from all walks of life.

Herpetological Magazines

Herps and computers have a bizarre natural affinity for each other. Perhaps it would be better to say that some people seem to have a strong affinity for both simultaneously. Either way, there is a wealth of reptile- and amphibian-related information available electronically.


The pet doctor is in the house. Is your dog, cat, snake, spider, bird, and/or other pets sick, then sign in to see the net-pet doctor.

Herpweb Cyberquiz

Reptile & Amphibian Magazine--The magazine for SERIOUS herpers and Herpmed Communications. This is the page where you get to demonstrate your superior herping knowledge on every apsect of Herpetology and Herpetoculture.

Index - Herpetological Resources

WW HERPETOLOGICAL RESOURCES is a directory of all herp-related resources accessible via the Web. Lots of reptile pictures embedded.

Index - Herpetology - WWW Virtual Library

The Harvard World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Herpetology. The amount of Herpetological information on the web has grown astronomically. See this fast growing site.

Index - Jason's Snakes and Reptiles

This site is sponsored by: Leaping Lizards of Burnsville Minnesota! Jason has liked reptiles since he was six years old, he turned thirteen in 1995. Watch his page grow. Contains links to other snake sites.

Internet Jungle

Here you will find the Price Lists of the top Exotic Reptile and Animal Breeders in the Nation.

Jason's Snakes and Reptiles

Information About Snakes and Reptiles with pictures and fact sheets! Also links to other herpetological sites.

Mike's Herpetocultural Page

Mike's Herpetocultural Page concerns itself with the art and science of keeping reptiles and amphibians in captivity. It also has a large number of herpetoculture gif files.

North American Amphibian Monitoring Program

The North American Amphibian Monitoring Program provides a statistically defensible program to monitor the distributions and abundance of amphibians in North America, with applicability at the state, provincial, ecoregional, and continental scales.

Seedman's Herpetocultural Hideaway

Herpe-what? Seedman's Herpetocultural Hideaway welcomes you! Information on reptiles and amphibians plus extra tidbits about monitor lizards.

Trendy's House of Herpetology

At Trendy's House of Herpetology there is a wealth of reptile and amphibian-related information available electronically, composed mainly by amateur but devoted pet keepers.

The World-Wide-Web Virtual Library

This site contains all manner of information on Herpetology such as: meetings, jobs, discussion groups, schools, organizations, museums, virtual field guides, journals, books, conservation, and declining populations.

Rodents Roedores

bclee's Rats!

RATS! Finally! Pictures of one man's personal rats, and probably more about rats in general than most normal human being would ever want to know.

Cavidae Rex

Sometimes referred to as guinea pigs, Cavidae Rex are non-aggressive animals, awesome pets for children to learn love and care (guinea pigs do not usually bite). Very easy to manage pets.

FAQ - rec.pets Guinea Pig

An informational document posted monthly to the Usenet Newsgroup about the care and maintenance of guinea pigs as pets. Guinea Pig FAQs and reference to other guinea pig fanciers.

Fluff the Hamster

Fluff Hamster - Sunflower Seed Guru says, "Welcome to my home page". A place to find a cute picture of a small animal with white fur and pink ears, nose and feet.


Gerbils, as small as they may seem, are small lovable pets, that require minimal work. They are soft and fuzzy, and can be trained to be great around children. I share my experience in how to train and handle your gerbil, what their habits are, what kinds of cages work best and many more facts.

The Hamster Page

I am small, lovable, and furry. Hamster's only. Here's a collection of hamstery resources to be found on the Internet.

Mitch's Rats

Everything anyone would ever want to know about rats.

Pet Rats

Pet rats do have a following in Cyber Space. Squeeeeek!

Rat Pages

An international collection of world wide Rat Pages. Great graphics.

Rat's nest

Rat Organizations, games and adventure.

Rats [James]

James' Amazing World of Rats. What's here? To quote: "you mean this guy keeps RATS?" See the ASCII family tree for my rat brood. Peruse Pictures of Our Rats. Find a Multitude of Rat Links, Rat E-mail and List Digest Archives.

World Wide Raccoon Web

In my mind, no creature so well characterizes the North American spirit as does as the Raccoon, procyon lotor. Ranging all across the continental United States and Canada, even reaching down into parts of Mexico, the Raccoon, and its procyonid cousins the Coati and the Ringtail, hold a very special place in the collective body of Native American folklore and mythology.

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